1. Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 7. Please turn your clocks back one hour Saturday night.
2. The NYC Marathon is this Sunday November 7th. Please note that First Avenue from 59th Street to the Willis Ave Bridge will beclosed. If you wish to attend the 10:15am or 12:00pm Sunday Masses you may cross First Avenue south of 59th Street and walk up First or York Avenues.
3. Sign up for our E-Newsletter or ‘electronic bulletin’ which is e-mailed each week. Contact the parish office 212-734-4613 or parishoffice@eastrivercatholics.org to provide your full name and e-mail address.
1. Letný čas končí v nedeľu 7. novembra. Nezabudnite si v sobotu večer posunúť hodinky o hodinu späť.
2. Túto nedeľu 7. novembra bude NYC Maratón. First Avenue bude zavretá od 59th Street po Willis Ave Bridge. Ak by ste chceli prísť na sv. omšu o 10:15am alebo o 12:00pm, môžete prejsť cez First Avenue na juh od 59th Street a potom prejsť peši po First alebo York Avenue.
3. Prihláste sa na odber nášho elektronického buletinu, ktorý posielame každý týždeň e-mailom. Kontaktujte farský úrad na čísle 212-734-4613, alebo na adrese parishoffice@eastrivercatholics.org; udajte svoje celé meno a e-mail adresu.