1. As of July 1, Fr. Stefan Chanas has been named Administrator of the parish while our pastor Fr. Richard Baker is away for an extended period this summer. Please continue to keep Fr. Baker in your prayers during this time of spiritual renewal as he keeps us all in his prayers.
2. If you have not yet made your offering to the Cardinal’s Appeal, it is encouraged that you do so soon. Any questions or concerns about the Appeal may be directed to me at e-mail address pastor@eastrivercatholics.org or to Lisa at parishfin@eastrivercatholics.org.
3. If you don’t receive the parish E-Newsletter, please sign up! Send your e-mail address to pacoe@eastrivercatholics.org with your full name and the e-mail address where you would like to receive the e-News letter.
1. O. Štefan Chanas bol od 1. júla menovaný za správcu farnosti (administrátora) počas dlhšej nepritomnosti nášho farára o. Richarda Bakera toto leto. Prosím, naďalej sa modlite za o. Bakera počas jeho duchovnej obnovy tak, ako aj on sa modlí za vás.
2. Ak ste ešte neobetovali svoj milodar na Kardinálovu zbierku „Cardinal’s Appeal“, prosím, urobte tak čo najskôr. Svoje otázky alebo obavy ohľadne tejto kampane môžete adresovať mne na e-mailovú adresu pastor@eastrivercatholics.org alebo Lise na adresu parishfin@eastrivercatholics.org.
3. Ak nedostávate farský E-Newsletter, prosím, zaregistrujte sa! Pošlite email na pacoe@eastrivercatholics.org a uveďte v ňom svoje celé meno a emailovú adresu, na ktorú si prajete E-Newsletter dostávať.