1. Congratulations to the newly baptized Edoardo Mignatti, who was baptized in St. John Nepomucene Church last Sunday, June 30th.
2. Please make every effort to make a contribution to this year’s Cardinals Appeal! Thank you very much to all who already contributed! It does not matter how big your gift is but that you participate!
78 people have given. Our goal is 125.
3. If you don’t receive the parish E-Newsletter, please sign up! Send your e-mail address to pacoe@eastrivercatholics.org with your full name and the e-mail address where you would like to receive the e-Newsletter.
1. Blahoželám novopokrstenémuEdoardovi Mignatti, ktorý prijal sviatosť krstu v Kostole sv. Jána minulú nedeľu 30. júna.
2. Vynasnažte sa prispieť na tohtoročnú kardinálovu zbierku! Veľká vďaka všekým, ktorí už dali svoj milodar! Dostali sme už 76 príspevkov a prísľubov. Náš cieľ je 125 milodarov.
3. Ak nedostávate farský E-Newsletter, prosím, zaregistrujtesa! Pošlite email na pacoe@eastrivercatholics.org a uveďte v ňom svoje celé meno a emailovú adresu, na ktorú si prajete E-Newsletter dostávať.