1. I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Enjoy your vacation, get some well-deserved rest and come back refreshed and rejuvenated, full of energy and enthusiasm for the wonderful future that God has in store for us and our parish. Remember you still have to go to Sunday Mass.
2. Please join our Slovak community for the annual Pilgrimage to the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, Garrison, NY on Sunday, September 15th. More details to come.
3. If you don’t receive the parish E-Newsletter, please sign up! Send your e-mail address to pacoe@eastrivercatholics.org with your full name and the e-mail address where you would like to receive the e-Newsletter.
4. Congratulations to Reuben Salinas and Duanne Gonzales who were married at St. John’s on July 10 and to Michael Pesko and Mary Yeung who were married at St. John’s on July 13. May God bless them with many happy years.
5. “Food Like none other” The Most Blessed Sacrament, St. Justin the Martyr
“And this food is called among us the Eucharist ... For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Savior, having beenmade esh by the Word of God, had both esh and bloodfor our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and fromwhich our blood and esh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh.”
1. Dúfam, že si užívate krásne letné počasie. Oddýchnite si a občerstvite sa na dovolenkách, vráťte sa omladnutí, plní energie a nadšenia do ďalšej budúcnosti, ktorú pre nás a našu farnosť má v pláne náš Pán. Nezabudnite, aj v lete máte povinnosť zúčastniť sa nedeľnej sv. omše.
2. Poďte s nami na našu výročnú slovenskú púť do Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, Garrison, NY v nedeľu 15. septembra. Ďalšie informácie uverejníme v bulletine.
3. Ak nedostávate farský E-Newsletter, prosím, zaregistrujte sa! Pošlite email na pacoe@eastrivercatholics.org a uveďte v ňom svoje celé meno a emailovú adresu, na ktorú si prajete E-Newsletter dostávať.
4. Srdečne blahoželám Reubenovi Salinasovi a Duanne Gonzales, ktorí prijali sviatosť manželstva v Kostole sv. Jána 10.júla a Michaelovi Peskovi a Mary Yeung, ktorí prijali sviatosť manželstva v Kostole sv. Jána 13.júla. Nech ich Boh požehná mnohými rokmi šťastného manželstva.
5. “Pokrm ako žiaden iný” Najsvätejšia Sviatosť Oltárna, sv. Justin, mučeník
„A tento pokrm nazývame Eucharistia... Lebo neprijímame tento pokrm ako obyčajný chlieb a nápoj. Ale tak, ako sa Slovom Božím Ježiš Kristus náš Spasiteľ vtelil, prijal telo a krv pre našu spásu, tak pokrm posvätený Slovom jeho modlitby a určený k tomu, aby živil naše telo a našu krv, aby náspretvoril, tento pokrm je, my to vieme, telom a krvouVteleného Ježiša.“