1. Cardinals appeal: Please consider making a donation to this year's appeal if you have not done so already! Thank you for you sacrifice!
2. God grant the newly baptized Hani Isabella (Holy Saturday Vigil) and the newly confirmed Byran Ignatius (Sunday, April 3) many blessed and happy years!
3. 8:15 Sunday Mass Roosevelt Island - Reminder that this Mass is Celebrated in our Chapel.
4. Ways to Be Merciful During the Jubilee of Mercy God, who is merciful, desires our mercy. Here are some ways to keep to mercy during the Jubilee Year. Try randomly selecting one each week and putting it into practice.
1) Resist sarcasm; it is the antithesis of mercy: “Set, O Lord, a guard over my mouth; keep watch, O Lord, at the door of my lips!” (Psalm 141:3).
2) Pare down possessions: share your things with the needy.
3) Call someone who you know is lonely, even if you understand why they’re lonely. Especially if you do.
4) Write a letter of forgiveness to someone. If you cannot send it, sprinkle it with holy water, ask Christ Jesus to have mercy on you both and then burn or bury it.
5) Learn to say this prayer: “Dear Lord, bless [annoying person’s name] and have mercy on me!”
6) Plan a mini-pilgrimage to a local shrine; make an effort along the way to live the corporal work of mercy of “welcoming the stranger” as Christ.
7) Do something kind and helpful for someone who you don’t get along with, or who has wronged you.
8) Be mindful of your behavior online. Is that post designed to improve your image ... and leave others feeling bad? Are you hammering people in order to serve your anger and humiliate others?
9) Have masses said for the living: friends and family members, even strangers you read/hear about, who are having a hard time.
10) Be generous enough to allow someone to help you; people need to feel needed.
5. Please let us know if there are any problems with our discounted parking . It is still a work in progress; please e-mail Dustin at YAD@eastrivercatholics.org with any issues regarding the parking.
6. A lesson in the Faith - "We are to make the sign of the cross when we eat and drink, sit, go to bed, get up, talk, walk, in short, in every action."- Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop of Jerusalem and Doctor of the Church, b. about 315; d. March 18, 386.