1. If you have not yet made your offering to the Cardinal’s Appeal 2022, it is encouraged that you do so soon. Any questions or concerns about the Appeal may be directed by e-mail to Fr. Stefan at fr.stefan@eastrivercatholics.org or to Lisa Calabrese at parishfin@eastrivercatholics.org.
2.Thank you to LUX NY for live streaming our 10:15am Slovak and 12 noon English Masses every Sunday. You can view the Mass by going online to Facebook: East River Catholics for the English Mass and Lux NY for the Slovak Mass. We are also grateful for Lux NY for live streaming the periodic ‘East River Concerts.’
3. “Food Like none other” The Most Blessed Sacrament, St. Justin the Martyr
“And this food is called among us Εὐχαριστία [the Eucharist] ... For not as common bread and common drink do we receive these; but in like manner as Jesus Christ our Savior, having been made flesh by the Word of God, had both flesh and blood for our salvation, so likewise have we been taught that the food which is blessed by the prayer of His word, and from which our blood and flesh by transmutation are nourished, is the flesh and blood of that Jesus who was made flesh.”
4. Please pray for peace in Ukraine.
1. Ak ste ešte neobetovali milodar na „Cardinal’s Appeal 2022“, prosíme, urobte tak čo najskôr. Ak máte nejaké otázky ohľadne tejto zbierky, pošlite email otcovi Štefanovi na adresu fr.stefan@eastrivercatholics.org alebo Lise Calabrese na adresu parishfin@eastrivercatholics.org.
2. Ďakujeme LUX NY za vysielanie našich slovenských a poludňajších anglických sv. omší každú nedeľu. Vysielanie môžete sledovať na Facebook webstránke nasledovne: anglickú sv. omšu na webstránke East River Catholics a slovenskú sv. omšu na LUX NY. Sme vďační spoločnosti LUX NY aj za občasný živý prenos koncertov zo série „East River Concerts“.
3. “Pokrm ako žiaden iný” Najsvätejšia Sviatosť Oltárna, sv. Justin, mučeník
„Tento pokrm sa nazýva u nás Eucharistia. ... Lebo neprijímame tento pokrm, ako obyčajný chlieb a nápoj. Ale tak ako sa Slovom Božím Ježiš Kristus náš Spasiteľ vtelil, prijal telo a krv pre našu spásu, tak posvätený pokrm Slovom jeho modlitby a určený k tomu, aby živil naše telo a našu krv, aby nás pretvoril, tento pokrm je, my to vieme – telo a krv Vteleného Ježiša. “
4. Prosíme, modlite sa za mier na Ukrajine.