1. Today we are saying goodbye to Dean Fredrickson. I want to personally express my gratitude and thanks for his service over these last two years. Without his help we wouldn’t have been able to lay the foundation of a good, solid music program on Roosevelt Island. My prayers go with him, please remember his mother in your prayers.
2. Please mark your calendar for the Slovak Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine on August 13th. More details in the bulletin and e-Newsletter.
3. We are looking for teachers for our religious education program which begins in September both at St. John Nepomucene and St. Frances Cabrini. Our mission is to help our children to nurture and foster growth in the Catholic faith. To accomplish this we need help from vol- unteers of our Parish who are willing to give of their time and talents. Please help our program grow, classes are once a week, exact day and time will be announced later. If you are interested and can help please contact Lisa Calabrese, at e-mail address parishfin@eastrivercatholics.org.
1. Dnes sa lúčime s Deanom Fredrick- sonom. Chcem mu osobne vyjadriť svoju vďačnosť a poďakovať sa za jeho prácu počas posledných dvoch rokov. Bez jeho pomoci by sme neboli mohli vybudovať tak dobré základy kvalitného hudobného programu na Roosevelt Island. Budem sa za neho modliť, spomeňte si, prosím, na jeho matku vo svojich modlitbách.
2. Poznačte si v kalendári, Slovenská púť do Mariánskej svätyne (Marian Shrine) bude 13. augusta. Viac informácií nájdete v buletine a e-Newsletter.