1. Lent begins next week, Ash Wednesday is February 26. Let us be prepared for Lent. The Lenten Season is intended to be a “workshop” where the character of the faithful is spiritually uplifted and strengthened; where you are called to rededicate yourself to the principles and ideals of our Holy Catholic Faith; where fasting and prayer culminate in deep conviction of life; where apathy and disinterest turn into vigorous activities of faith and good works. Lent is not for the sake of Lent itself, as fasting is not for the sake of fast- ing. Rather, these are means by which and for which you are strengthened in your bond with God and His Church!
2. If you do not receive the weekly E-Newsletter, contact the parish office, parishoffice@eastrivercatholics.org, to sign up.
1. Na budúci týždeň začína Veľký pôst, Popolcová streda je 26. februára – buďme pripravení. Pôstne obdobie má byť „pracovným“ obdobím sebarozvoja, kedy sa má charakter veriacich duchovne pozdvihnúť a posilniť; kedy sa máte znova zasvätiť princípom a ideálom našej svätej Katolíckej viery; kedy nás pôst a modlitby privedú k hlbokému presvedčeniu o živote, kde apatia a nezáujem sú nahradené skutkami viery a milosrdenstva. Pôst nie je samoúčelný - je to spôsob, ktorým sa posilňuje naše puto s Bohom a jeho Cirkvou.
2. Ak nedostávate náš týždenný elektronický E-Newsletter, kontaktujte farský úrad na adrese parishoffice@eastrivercatholics.org a zaregistrujte sa.