1. Welcome to Bohumil Petrik who will be working in the parish as a Pastoral Assistant for the next fewmonths. Bohumil ‘Bo’ is from Slovakiaand his background is as a journalist. He has worked in Rome for EWTN & Vatican Radio as well as other media outlets. We are so blessed to have him! Welcome, Bohumil!
2. Thank you to Frank De Jesus for hanging the sanctuary lamp at St. Frances Cabrini!
3. Please take time to watch the Cardinal Dolan’s videoaddressing the child abuse scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church - https://archny.org/news/transparency- accountability-and-action. You can also find the link in our e-Newsletter and on social media.
4. It's wonderful to see that so many families and children are involved with our Children's Choir at St. Frances. We are truly blessed with a growing religious education program at St. Frances Cabrini!
1. Vítam Bohumila Petríka, ktorý bude v najbližších mesiacoch pastoračnýmasistentom vo farnosti. Bohumil je zoSlovenska a má skúsenosti v oblasti žurnalistiky. Pracoval v Ríme pre EWTN a Vatikánsky rozhlas ako aj na d ́alších zaujímavých mediálnych projektoch. Je pre nás požehnaním, že je medzi nami.Vitaj, Bohumil!
2. Nájdite si čas a pozrite si video kardinála Dolana, kde hovorí o škandále zneužívania detí, ktorý otriasol katolíckou cirkvou - https://archny.org/news/transparency- accountability-and-action. Link nájdete v našom e-bulletinea na sociálnych médiach.